Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy, P.C.

25 Independence Blvd., Third Floor, Warren, N.J. 07059
T 908-580-1776 F 908-647-1492

Unwavering commitment and determination to navigate the best course of action for our clients

Linda Ganz Ott

Practice Areas of Emphasis: School law, including the provision of counseling to school boards, employment law and litigation support.


  • Rutgers School of Law-Newark, JD
  • University of Rhode Island, MLS
  • Boston University, BA

Awards and Distinctions

  • Rutgers School of Law:
    • Award for Distinguished Work in Equal Employment Opportunity Law
    • Award for Distinguished Work in the Law of Families,Children and Women
    • Appellate Law Clerk to the Honorable William A. Dreier P.J.A.D. (retired)


  • American Bar Association
  • New Jersey State Bar Association
  • Appointed to the NJSBA School Law Committee

Bar Admissions

  • New Jersey


Ms. Ganz Ott, a member of the New Jersey School Boards Association School Law Committee, frequently lectures and writes on education law issues. She also produces the Firm’s Client Alert. Ms. Ganz Ott’s other publications include:

  • L.W. v. Toms River Board of Education, New Jersey Labor and Employment Law Quarterly, 2008, Co-authored with Robert J. Merryman, Esq.
  • Co-authored with Honorable William A. Dreier P.J.A.D. (retired) “Liability for Warning Defects – An Overview” “Products Liability: the Duty to Warn“, Institute for Continuining Legal Education, 1995

Email Address

Direct Telephone and Ext.
(908) 580-1776 ext. 217

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