Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy, P.C.

25 Independence Blvd., Third Floor, Warren, N.J. 07059
T 908-580-1776 F 908-647-1492

Unwavering commitment and determination to navigate the best course of action for our clients

Attorney Profiles

The lawyers of Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy are not one dimensional. They appreciate that there are both life and community needs outside of the office. Our members not only raise families; they serve as trustees for charitable organizations, educational foundations, and not-for-profit theatres. They teach part-time at universities. They sing and dance in community theatre and choral groups; coach youth athletic leagues; volunteer at food banks and missions and are active in religious organizations. They appreciate how fortunate they are and that understanding gives them a perspective that allows them to be better lawyers and human beings. They share the Apruzzese, McDermott, Mastro & Murphy mission– to build enduring relationships based on competence, integrity, compassion and trust.

Vincent J. Apruzzese
Vincent J. Apruzzese 908-580-1776
Lisa Barré-Quick
Lisa Barré-Quick lbarrequick@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 220
Mark J. Blunda
Mark J. Blunda blunda@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 227
Deborah J. Bracaglia
Deborah J. Bracaglia dbracaglia@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 250
Ryan S. Carey
Ryan S. Carey carey@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 256
H. Thomas Clarke
H. Thomas Clarke tclarke@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 228
Robert T. Clarke
Robert T. Clarke clarke@ammm.com 908-580-1776 Ext. 210
Frederick T. Danser, III
Frederick T. Danser, III danser@ammm.com 908-580-1776 Ext. 211
Barry Marell
Barry Marell marell@ammm.com 908-580-1776 Ext. 218
Robert J. Merryman
Robert J. Merryman rmerryman@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 255
Catherine A. Morris
Catherine A. Morris cmorris@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 245
Maurice J. Nelligan, Jr.
Maurice J. Nelligan, Jr. neglligan@ammm.com 908-580-1776 Ext. 232
Neha Patel
Neha Patel npatel@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 104
Boris Shapiro
Boris Shapiro bshapiro@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 260
Arthur R. Thibault, Jr.
Arthur R. Thibault, Jr. athibault@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 213
Kyle J. Trent
Kyle J. Trent ktrent@ammm.com 908-580-1776 ext. 214
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